A well-known wine connoisseur, who as Finance Secretary saved himself a bob or two by scrapping duty on his favourite tipple, Mr Tang stands accused of having built an illegal wine cellar. 众所周知,唐英年是品鉴葡萄酒的高手,在担任财政司司长期间,通过取消自己喜欢的酒的税收,他给自己省下了一些银子,而现在,唐英年被指违法修建了一座酒窖。
Profit taxes remained the same, but duty on wine was reduced from 90 to 60 per cent. 利得税保持原样,但酒类关税从90%削减到了60%。
See, the group's operations director, had been planning a venture in Hong Kong and sprang into action a year ago when the government abolished the import duty on wine. 集团的运营总监史志坚一直计划在香港开店,并在一年前香港政府取消葡萄酒进口关税后付诸行动。